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luggage rack (火車等的)行李架。

luggage van

Company has possessed 600 employess , over 68manag . ement personnel and 22 technicians since is was founded . inwhich junior college graduatre account for 90 % , average ages of employees is 28 years , area of factory building is 20000sq . meter annusi value of production is 80 milions yuan and have three modemization production line and advanced equipment and perfct monitor and measunng device as puncher , driller , lathe , measurig truck , cutter , shielded welder and pipe bendin machine . main production of company are all kinds of generators , both petrol and dlesel series , water umps , luggage rack of vehicle , bumper , fuel tankall kinds of motorcycle rack , auto majhong machine and whd series of dlecmolishde vehide , wide varieties , a complete range of specification . the products have stable qusity and advanced 具備廠房面積20000平方米,年產值8000多萬元的生產能力及三條現代化流水線。擁有各種大型沖壓設備各類油箱鉆床車床儀表車切割機保護焊機彎管機等先進設備和完善的測量裝置。公司主要品種有:各種發電機組汽油機系列柴油機系列水泵汽車行李架保險杠各種摩托車架全自動麻將桌whd系列電動滑板車,防墜器等系列產品。

I had a bottle of pure water in my bag , which i had placed on the luggage rack above the seats . i asked the young mother if she wanted some water , thinking that i would get it only if she did 談話中,我幾次想把背包里的一罐純凈水給她,可是背包放在高處的行李架上,我只是先問人家要不要,確定她需要才拿下來。

2 luggage rack 車廂內裝置行李架,

Terms for railway vehicle parts ; interior fittings ; luggage rack , seats 鐵路車輛零件術語.內部配件.行李架和座位

He put his bag on the luggage rack 他把包放在行李架上。

Dennis dart carlyle body w luggage rack 丹尼士飛標carlyle車身附設行李架